You are most welcome in this institution of higher learning. We are offering you professional and traditional courses in Science, Commerce, Arts and Management. With the completion of
basic degrees in science, commerce and management that we are offering, you will be able to build a solid foundation for further training/study and to increase your employability.
We believe in the theory – “Right to Education” for All – and work accordingly. We offer opportunity to all students who have quest for further higher learning.
From the academic session 2017-18, we started semester-wise three year B. Com. (Hons. & General) Degree programme under CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) according to University of Calcutta. From the academic session 2018-19, University of Calcutta has introduced semester-wise three year B.A./B.Sc. (Hons./Major/General) & B.B.A. (Hons.) Degree programme under CBCS. Details of these CBCS programme are given in this prospectus. Other complete syllabus, regulations relating to Admission, examination etc. can be had from the website of University of Calcutta.
We are introducing a new concept “Student friendly college” in the education system.
Choose your right course and we will help you to build your career providing congenial learning environment within your reach. Come, join with us and go ahead for your bright future.
With all good wishes.